Monroe Dentist | Dental Tips for Breastfeeding Moms

Dentist in Monroe MIIf you are a mother who is breastfeeding your baby, there are several important points to be aware of regarding your baby’s teeth. We suggest you talk with your doctor about your plans on feeding your baby, but there are some known benefits of breastfeeding. According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, breastfeeding can help reduce a child’s risk of developing asthma, diabetes, obesity, ear infections, sudden infant death syndrome, and other disorders, but it also affects your child’s teeth – here’s how:

Shaping Your Child’s Bite

The first few months of your child’s life can dramatically shape their mouth for years to come. According to a 2015 study in Pediatrics, breastfeeding results in better development for your child’s mouth. The study found that babies who were breastfed for a period of six months were up to 72% less likely to develop crooked teeth. Overbites and underbites were also reduced. Your child might still need dental work later in life, especially due to other factors such as pacifiers and even genetics, but breastfeeding may lower their risk of requiring significant dental work.

Avoid Tooth Decay from Bottles

Babies fed by bottles are at a higher risk for developing tooth decay because they are exposed to sugar containing drinks. Feeding by bottle before bed can leave their teeth coated with decay-causing sugars. Breastfeeding reduces the risk of decay.

Don’t mistake this as a sign your baby’s teeth will be completely decay free. Breastmilk still contains sugar. We recommend gently wiping your child’s gums with a damp cloth. As their teeth begin to develop, begin brushing with rice-sized toothpaste on a small brush. Talk to our dentist about the best types of toothpaste to use for infants.

Keep Track of Your Medication Use

If you are receiving treatment that requires medication or take medication regularly, it is essential that you are aware of the effects the medication might have on the baby. Constant communication between you, your doctor, your dentist, and your baby’s pediatrician is key to staying healthy.

There are many benefits to breastfeeding your baby. Make sure you are keeping track of your own health in addition to your baby’s. Be sure to schedule regular appointments to keep up with your own oral health.

For more information about your baby’s teeth, contact our office.

Dentist in Monroe | 5 Tips for Denture Wearers

Monroe DentistTaking care of your dentures can seem like an added chore. Don’t worry, with a little effort your dentures can stay clean. Here are 5 tips for keeping your dentures clean and your smile healthy.

  1. Rinse Thoroughly

Prior to brushing, it helps to rinse your dentures off.  Run them through water to help wash away food and other small particles. Be extra careful when handling your fragile dentures. Avoid using hot or boiling water, as that could damage your dentures.

  1. Clean Your Dentures

Just as you would brush your teeth, your dentures need to be brushed as well. Never use cleaning solutions while your dentures are in. Rather, remove your dentures and carefully brush using a soft toothbrush. Avoid using whitening toothpastes or harsh cleaning materials like bleach products. Talk to our dentist about the right type of cleaner for your dentures. Using too strong a solution can cause damage to your dentures.

  1. Don’t Forget to Brush Your Teeth

You still need to take care of your natural teeth. Brush your teeth with a soft toothbrush. Be gentle when brushing and cleaning your gums. Cleaning your gums will help you reduce your risk of developing an oral infection. If your toothbrush is too rough on your gums, an alternative is to use gauze. Be sure to come see us if you are experiencing gum pain and we can make recommendations.

  1. Keep Them Covered

When you remove your dentures for bed, be sure to keep them in a covered container overnight. Use a denture-soaking solution to keep them clean overnight. Water works as a substitute, as your dentures need moisture to retain their shape. If you have any questions about storing your dentures, talk to us and we’ll help you.

  1. Care with Adhesives

It can sometimes be difficult to remove your dentures with an adhesive. If you are having trouble, try swishing warm water or a mouthwash around your mouth. Never use any cleaning solution, tool, or foreign object to remove your dentures. Take special care to ensure the grooves of your dentures that attach to your gums are clean and free of adhesive.

When taken care of properly, your dentures will provide you with a lasting smile. Be vigilant in keeping up with cleaning your dentures. If you have any questions about caring for your dentures, get in touch with our office. We would be happy to work with you to figure out a solution for your denture concerns.

For more tips on keeping your mouth healthy or to schedule your next appointment, contact us today.