What to Expect from Dental Bonding for Fixing Chipped, Cracked or Stained Teeth

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The most common way we treat chips, cracks, stains and gaps in your teeth is with dental bonding. First and foremost, dental bonding is typically a procedure that doesn’t hurt and doesn’t usually require anesthesia. This is because we often utilize dental bonding on an area of the tooth that has little to no sensitivity. There are some cases where the procedure may result in some slight discomfort, but this is not common.

We begin a dental bonding procedure by preparing your tooth with an etching solution. Next we add the bonding which is an application of a plastic resin that is intended to match the color of the tooth that is receiving the bonding.

We then shape the resin to align with that natural contour of your smile. From there the resin is hardened with a curing wand. The procedure can take anywhere from 15 minutes to an hour. However, if you have multiple teeth that need bonding, you may have to make multiple visits depending on how close together each of the teeth are.

Check out the video below from the American Dental Association to see what an actual procedure looks like:

After the procedure, be on the lookout for any sharp edges or if your teeth don’t quite feel right when you bite down. These issues can be easily addressed to improve the overall comfort of the bonding.

The resin that is used for the bonding is strong, but there is potential for discoloration over time. We advise you to minimize tea, coffee, smoking and to abstain from these activities especially in the first few days following the procedure.

To keep your bonding looking and feeling good, make sure to have regular teeth cleanings and to consult your dentist if you come across any issues with the bonded tooth or teeth.

If you have any further questions about bonding, or if you would like to set up an appointment to discuss  fix a chipped tooth, request an appointment today.