
Sugary Drinks and Their Impact on Your Teeth

It is well-known today that sugary drinks and foods can cause some serious damage to your teeth, mainly in the form of tooth decay, in some cases resulting in the loss of teeth. According to a study by the Journal of Public Health Dentistry, tooth loss was positively associated with sugar-sweetened beverages among young adults ages 18-39.  But why does sugar do so much damage to your teeth? For the most part, it comes down to chemistry.

Good vs. Bad Bacteria

Our mouth is filled with bacteria, some good, some not so good. Typically, the good kinds of bacteria help to maintain and protect your mouth and teeth from the bad. Good bacteria produce certain types of proteins that control other types of harmful bacteria. Sugars tend to create a better environment for bad bacteria to thrive. The result, is dry mouth, bad breath, and over time tooth decay.


Some studies have shown that a specific type of bad bacteria actually can produce acid in your mouth whenever they encounter sugar. The acid that is produced from this process can begin to remove minerals from your enamel, which is a key line of defense and protector of your teeth. Without this strong, protective outer layer, your teeth become much more vulnerable to tooth decay and other dental issues.

What You Can Do

Luckily, our mouth is constantly working to reverse any damage taking place to teeth through the process of remineralization. Saliva carries mineral-rich elements such as calcium and phosphate that can strengthen your teeth. Still, the greater your sugar intake, the harder it is for your saliva to combat these acids.

Moderation is always the best approach to sugar. But going one step further, here is how to help improve the regenerative aspects of your saliva:

  • Fluoride from toothpaste helps repair your teeth’ health.
  • Fluoride in water can also support your mouth health so drink lots of water.
  • In some cases, a professional fluoride treatment is necessary. 
  • Find beverage alternatives with less sugar.
  • Regular brushing, flossing, and dental visits are key.
  • See a professional immediately if you suspect a cavity or are noticing any pain.

You’ve probably heard it a million times, but it is critical to moderate the intake of sugar and incorporate healthy dental habits and routines into your life. The greatest way to protect against a cavity is to prevent one in the first place, and your ability to moderate your intake of sugar is key to prevention.

If you think you might be suffering from excessive tooth decay as a result of sugary drinks, come in for an appointment and consultation. We’ll take a look and offer you some guidance on how to improve the health of your mouth and teeth. Contact us to make an appointment. 

Cosmetic Dentist Services in Michigan

Are you looking for a cosmetic dentist in Michigan? You should look for the best dentist for your needs. Most everyone wants to look their best. One of the most noticeable things is a person’s smile. Whether you are looking for cosmetic dentistry because of dental conditions or you simply would like to change the way your teeth look, we’ve got you covered. Here are some cosmetic dentistry services we offer in Monroe, Michigan.

Porcelain Veneers

Porcelain veneers are cosmetic solutions that may be recommended for those who are interested in restoring the color and appearance of their teeth. They are used to recreate the natural look of teeth, while also providing strength and flexibility that is comparable to natural tooth enamel.

Teeth Whitening

We provide Philips Zoom teeth whitening solutions for patients to brighten their smiles. Teeth whitening may be a great option if you have stained, dull, or discolored teeth. The main causes of stained teeth are genetics, antibiotics, tobacco, and certain foods. As we age, our teeth darken as well.

Dental Crowns

Over time, our teeth begin to weaken and become more susceptible to problems such as decay, cracks, or discoloration. Crowns are used to renew the appearance and function of a tooth. Crowns are not limited to just replacing the original tooth but can be designed to create an even better aesthetic appearance.


Dr. Balog and his Monroe, MI dental staff offer aesthetic dental solutions to enhance the appearance of your smile and overall confidence. Cosmetic dentistry can also improve the overall function of your mouth and teeth. Here’s a look at the various cosmetic dentistry services we offer. Contact us today to schedule an honest appointment with our trusted dentist.

Top 5 Electric Toothbrushes for You!

Whether you are a beginner or have been brushing your teeth for years, it’s time to consider upgrading to one of the best electric toothbrushes on the market. They’re fun to use, easy to maintain, and will keep plaque off your teeth so you can show off a healthy, beautiful smile. To make it easier on you, we did the research and found the 5 best electric toothbrushes!

1. Genius 8000 Rechargeable Electric Toothbrush

The Oral-B Genius Pro 8000 syncs with your smartphone and tracks which areas in your mouth you’ve brushed and which areas you’ve missed! Also, it features Bluetooth connectivity and a 2-minute timer, this brush lets you know how long to brush every section of your mouth, so there’s no excuse for not reaching all of your teeth. And if that wasn’t enough, it also alerts you when you brush too hard or if you missed a spot.

Check it out on Amazon here.

2. Philips Sonicare Battery Toothbrush

As a top-rated electric toothbrush with over 6,600 five-star reviews on Amazon, you can count on this toothbrush to get the job done. It provides 13,000 micro-vibrations per minute and has contoured bristles for a gentle clean. The best part? It buzzes every 30 seconds to encourage you to move on to the next part of your mouth. When you’ve reached two minutes of brushing it will give off a long buzz to let you know you’re all good to go!

Check it out on Amazon here.

3. Colgate Hum Smart Electric Toothbrush Kit

One of the top 5 electric toothbrushes includes this one made by Colgate. The company has made small changes over the years which have made its brushes increasingly efficient and effective. Amazon customers love using it. This brush has Bluetooth technology, an app that helps you target each spot in your mouth, a two-minute timer, and three sonic vibrations: Normal, sensitive, deep clean, and so much more!
Check it out on Amazon here.

4. Oral-B Pro 1000 Power Rechargeable Electric Toothbrush

This is an economical, entry-level option, and it still does the job. The toothbrush removes three times more plaque along the gum line than a non-electric version (according to Oral-B), lets you know if you’re over-brushing, and cleans tricky spots that can be hard to clean. The results will definitely leave your dentist smiling.
Check it out on Amazon here.

5. Philips Sonicare ProtectiveClean 4100 Rechargeable Electric Power Toothbrush

This model from Philips is approved by the ADA. It’s known for its ability to remove plaque and reduce gingivitis. The Philips Sonicare FlexCare Platinum Connected is great for patients with limited manual dexterity. 31,000 brush strokes per minute help you achieve better oral health than brushing manually.

Check it out on Amazon here.


There are many other options for the best electric toothbrushes. These five options are the most sufficient and get the job done right. Talk to your dentist about the best toothbrush for your situation! Contact us today to schedule an honest appointment with our trusted dentist. We are happy to recommend a toothbrush for your case.

Top 15 Dentist Jokes to Share with Your Dentist

Dentist jokes are always a good way to brighten someone’s day. If you’re looking for a joke to make your dentist laugh, we’ve got you covered. Share one of our top 15 dentist jokes. We hope we make you smile!

1. What do you call a dentist that doesn’t like tea? Denis

2. What does the dentist of the year get? A little plaque.

3. What did the 90-year-old say to his great-grandson? I miss the days of being your age when my teeth were in my mouth 24/7!

4. What’s a dentist’s favorite dinosaur? A Flossiraptor

5. What did the dentist see at the North Pole? A molar bear

6. Why did the deer need braces? He had buck teeth.

7. What do you call an old dentist? A bit long in the tooth.

8. How many dentists does it take to change a light bulb?
Three. One to administer the anesthetic, one to extract the light bulb, and one to offer the socket some vile pink mouthwash.

9. A patient asked the dentist if it wasn’t nasty to spend the day with the hands in someone’s mouth. The dentist answered, “I just think of it as having my hands in their wallet.”

10. I’ve no idea why people hate going to the dentist so much. In my opinion, it can be very refilling.

11. Why was the man arrested for looking at sets of dentures in a dentist’s window? Because it was against the law to pick your teeth in public.

12. What did the dentist who didn’t get a second date say? “I’ve loved and I’ve flossed.”

13. Why did the yellow tooth not find the white tooth’s jokes funny? Because he was already dead inside.

14. Knock, knock. Who’s there? Dishes. Dishes, who? “Dishes how I talk since I lost my teeth!

15. What did the dentist say to Tiger Woods? “You have a hole in one.“


We hope you enjoyed reading these jokes. We know some people may have fears when it comes to the dentist. We provide an inviting and comfortable place for all of our patients. You are family to us. We will take care of your dental needs and exceed your expectations. Contact us today to schedule an honest appointment with our trusted dentist.

3 Things That Can Happen When You Don’t Brush Your Teeth

Don’t skip out on brushing your teeth at night. After a long day, it’s easy to get lazy, but make sure you spend two minutes brushing your teeth before you hit the sack. If you don’t, the nasty bacteria in your mouth will feast on decaying food particles and begin multiplying. Soon, they will begin eating away at your tooth enamel as well. Keep up the brushing! Let’s go over three things that can happen when you don’t brush your teeth.

1. Cavities

Plaque left on your teeth can lead to cavities. Plaque is a sticky film that coats your teeth and contains bacteria that can penetrate the protective enamel of your teeth, leading to cavities and infections, which can cause tooth loss. All of this is preventable if you brush your teeth and do everything you can to maintain good oral hygiene.

2. Gingivitis

Gum disease happens when plaque — the sticky film of bacteria that forms on your teeth soon after you brush — causes inflammation. When you have gingivitis, the gum tissue around the roots of your teeth becomes irritated or swollen. If left untreated, gingivitis can lead to more severe types of periodontal disease — including periodontitis and advanced periodontitis.

3. Periodontitis

If left unattended, gingivitis can lead to periodontitis. This is a severe bone infection that will damage the bones that hold your teeth in place. Periodontitis is often the reason for people have tooth loss.


Brushing your teeth at least twice a day is necessary. Many negative things can happen if you don’t brush your teeth. It’s important to keep up on you oral hygiene. That being said, don’t miss regularly scheduled dentist appointments. Contact us today to schedule an honest appointment with our trusted dentist.

Teeth Hurting When You Wake Up? Top 3 Reasons

Are you waking up with tooth pain? Waking up with your teeth hurting has different causes. Some reasons could be dental conditions. Other reasons could be health issues. These problems range from mild to severe. Let’s go over the top three reasons for your tooth pain when waking up.

1. Teeth Grinding

Many people are familiar with the strange phenomenon of grinding their teeth while they sleep. For those who deal with this habit, it can be a scary experience to wake up to a sore jaw or migraine. The exact cause of teeth grinding at night isn’t known. Stress and sleep-related disorders, including sleep apnea, and genetics, may often be major factors.

2. TMD

The acronym TMJ stands for temporomandibular joint. These joints are located on both sides of your face, just in front of your ears. The joints connect your lower jawbone to your skull and assist in movements like chewing and speaking. When the muscles and ligaments around your jaw joints become inflamed or irritated you may experience TMJ dysfunction.

3. Cavities

Cavities are a common cause of tooth pain. When left untreated, cavities can expand into the tooth’s inner layer (pulp). This is where the tooth’s nerves and blood vessels are located. Untreated tooth decay can cause aching, intense, or sharp pain at frequent intervals.


If you are experiencing tooth pain when you wake up, get relief now. We provide treatment options that begin with a thorough examination and discussion of your symptoms, risk factors, and solutions for you. Contact us today to schedule an honest appointment with our trusted dentist.

5 Home Remedies For Wisdom Tooth Pain

Wisdom teeth are usually the last teeth to grow in while we’re young. They are often not needed, as our mouth size is already complete. Some people do have wisdom teeth but they don’t come in properly or cause other problems that cause extraction of the tooth. There are a few ways we can relieve the pain of wisdom tooth pain at home.

1. Saltwater Rinse

One of the best home remedies for toothaches is a saltwater rinse. The research suggests that rinsing your gums with warm water and dissolved sodium chloride (salt) promotes healthy gums and kills harmful bacteria. It’s a good idea to keep your mouth free of harmful bacteria when wisdom teeth can sometimes hurt your other teeth or create cysts when they erupt through your gums

2. Cold or Heat Therapy

Home remedies for wisdom tooth pain can help relieve your pain. For example, you can use an ice pack to your cheeks to reduce inflammation and swelling. Cold also has a numbing effect that can reduce your pain. Applying gentle heat can promote healing by relieving the tension in your cheek and increasing the blood flow to promote healing. You can use a single method or alternate between hot and cold treatments. Apply hot or cold to the area for several minutes at a time depending on what works best for your pain. Some people alternate between hot and cold treatments.

3. Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is rich in antioxidants and has anti-inflammatory properties. That being said, it’s a good remedy for swelling. Around your wisdom teeth, aloe vera can soothe them and reduce swelling. It also helps with healing if your gums become scratched or cut.

4. Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil is an antibacterial agent that can help kill bacteria on your teeth. When you’re in pain due to a wisdom tooth, combine tea tree oil with coconut oil and apply it directly to your gum. While tea tree oil shouldn’t be swallowed, you can spit out any residue remaining in your mouth after treatment

5. Menthol

Menthol is a natural pain reliever that works by cooling the skin. If you want to ease your toothache using this home remedy, dilute a peppermint mouthwash that contains alcohol and menthol before applying it directly to the problem area.


While there are home remedies for pain, you should see a professional for a permanent solution. Wisdom teeth can cause serious damage in the long run. Contact us today to schedule an honest appointment with our trusted dentist.

The Different Types of Dental Bridges

Are you wondering what the different types of dental bridges are? There are four different types of dental bridges. A bridge is an easy fix when you have missing teeth. It completes the gap to make it look like you have ungapped teeth. Let’s go over the four types of bridges.

1. Maryland dental bridge

A Maryland dental bridge is similar to a traditional crown in that it uses two remaining teeth, or implants, on each side of the gap. However, it differs from a traditional bridge in that the abutment teeth are fitted with pins or frameworks that are bonded onto their backs.

2. Traditional dental bridge

If you have natural teeth on both sides of the gap created by your missing tooth, a traditional dental bridge is likely a good option for you. A traditional dental bridge is a fixed dental prosthesis that consists of a false tooth or teeth being held in place by dental crowns that have been cemented onto each of the abutment teeth.

3. Implant-supported dental bridge

As the name implies, implant-supported bridges use dental implants as opposed to crowns or frameworks. Typically, one implant is surgically placed for every missing tooth, and these implants hold the bridge in position. If one implant for each missing tooth isn’t possible, the bridge may have a pontic suspended between two implant-supported crowns.

4. Cantilever dental bridge

A cantilever bridge uses a single dental crown on one side of your missing tooth gap to attach a pontic to the healthy tooth on the other side. This may be the right option for you if you have just one natural tooth next to your space.


You have options if you’re missing a tooth or a number of teeth. A dental bridge is one and there are four types. There are benefits to dental bridges. Talk to a dentist asap about what type of bridge is best for you. Contact us today to schedule an honest appointment.

4 Foods That Can Whiten Your Teeth

Are you looking for foods that can whiten your teeth? Yes, it’s true that some foods can work on stained teeth. You may be looking for a teeth whitening treatment, but you don’t want to break your budget. These foods may be an option for you.

1. Strawberries

Strawberries are a delicious treat and more. When you brush your teeth, you can use them to improve your smile. The malic acid in strawberries is said to be effective at decreasing the appearance of stains on your teeth. Also, it can also increase saliva production in people who suffer from dry mouth.

2. Pineapple

Right now, your teeth are covered with a layer of salivary proteins. This layer, called the pellicle, protects your teeth but also absorbs pigments from food. Eating pineapple can naturally dissolve this layer by breaking down the proteins that make up your pellicle. Remove the layer of pellicle and you get whiter teeth.

3. Watermelon

Watermelon is a refreshing summer treat, and it’s also a natural teeth whitener! It contains more malic acid than strawberries. Some people also say that the fibrous texture of watermelon scrubs your teeth, which helps remove stains, although there’s no scientific evidence to back up this claim (yet).

4. Papaya

Papaya contains an enzyme that breaks down protein, degrading your pellicle layer and preventing plaque formation. This helps whiten teeth, like pineapple.


Certain fruits can help to whiten teeth. They contain properties that result in less stained teeth. Remember, eating these fruits won’t transform your teeth. The fruits mentioned are great if you’re looking for natural options. If you are looking for a more foolproof option then come in for a Philips Zoom Teeth Whitening session with us. Contact us today to schedule an honest appointment.

Are Your Teeth Feeling Numb and Tingly?

Are your teeth feeling numb and tingy or maybe even itchy? This can be an occasional issue, but sometimes it can indicate something serious is going on. It’s important to bring up any symptoms to your dentist.

What Causes Tingling Teeth?

Tingly teeth are a common problem that can be caused by a variety of factors. Tooth sensitivity is the most common cause of tingling teeth, though other causes may include infection, decay, or a dental abscess. If you are experiencing tingling teeth, it is important to visit your dentist for an evaluation to determine the underlying cause. Other causes can include burning mouth syndrome and pulpitis.

Preventing Numb and Tingling Teeth

Much can be done to prevent tingling teeth. Here are some preventative measures:

  • Always use a toothbrush that’s in good working condition, and choose one with softer bristles.
  • Brush your teeth twice per day, and floss every day.
  • Take steps to treat bruxism (teeth grinding).
  • Contact your dentist regularly for an oral health checkup and cleaning.
  • Eat an enamel-friendly diet that limits acidic foods.
  • Always wear a mouthguard when playing contact sports.


Most people experience some type of tooth tingling sensation at one time or another. In most cases, it is simply the result of eating something cold or spicy. However, for some people, the tingling is a sign of a more serious problem. In these cases, it is important to seek treatment from a dentist as soon as possible. Contact us today to schedule an honest appointment.